The E.A.C.E is a voluntary association of construction enterprises created in order to support and co-ordinate its members actions in matter of industry related economic issues and relations with employees and employee unions. The E.A.C.E is established in 1991 and reorganized in 1993. The Association of Construction Entrepreneurs is an open structure, enabling formation of both regional and professional sub-societies. In 1995 was formed sub-organization KATUSELIIT, which include flat roofs building companies. The Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs approximately unites 100 companies active in Estonia whose overall turnover comprises more than 45% of the construction turnover of the entire Republic.

The members of the Association of Construction Entrepreneurs have a representation in the National License Committee and in the Foundation for Construction Information through the Association, which enables participation in the formation of construction relations. Also, the representatives of the Association sit in labour dispute commissions and have a representative of the state provisions among arbiters. We are members of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the fulfillment of the role as a social partner is facilitated by the membership in the Estonian Confederation of the Employers and Industry.


1. Upon suggestion of the members of the Association, representation and protection of their interests in public and governmental organizations, in relation with other legal and natural bodies, representation in courts and arbitrary courts upon the authority given by the Association and its members;

2. participation in the elaboration of legislation concerning the Association and its members (including expressing opinion);

3. upon suggestion of the members of the Association their representation in relations with construction and other organizations and societies both in the Republic of Estonia as well in abroad;

4. generalization of construction and economic experience and their distribution;

5. arrangement of marketing and economic research and elaboration of the respective recommendations;

6. arrangement of construction associated refresher courses, encouragement of the development of the construction education by financing repective target programs;

7. distribution of information concerning construction activities, including issue and distribution of advertisements and other publications;

8. arrangement of legal assistance and consultations for members of the Association;

9. any other activity necessary for the attainment of the aims of the Association.


1. Construction entrepreneurs registered in Estonia;

2. societies of the construction entrepreneurs;

3. companies producing building materials and constructions;

4. building schools and other study centers training construction personnel;

5. scientific establishments;

6. other legal persons associated with the construction activities;

7. upon the decision of the management board, other legal persons having accepted the Articles of Association.


  • enables the solution of problems connected with the common interests where the influence of the sole proprietor is not enough;
  • enables to obtain necessary information from the Association;
  • enables to participate in the elaboration of the documents regulating construction sphere and presentation of amendment recommendations and act as a pressure group;
  • enables to participate at the meetings, seminars, appointments and training activities organized by the Association;
  • enables partnership and communication with other entrepreneurs and Associations of employers;
  • member companies are prestigious Estonian construction market.